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In early November, more than 70,000 people converged on Lisbon for Web Summit 2023. While there, they discussed some of the biggest questions facing society and the tech industry.
In an era of increased global instability, security is at the forefront of many people’s minds. With that in mind, defence innovation accelerator NATO DIANA surveyed Web Summit attendees on several topics related to security and the future of emerging technologies.
Hundreds of curious attendees interacted with the NATO DIANA survey wall. Here are the results.
40.5 percent of respondents chose AI and big data when asked the question ‘In the years ahead, which technologies do you think will have the biggest impact on our collective security?’ This was by far the most popular response.
The NATO DIANA survey wall on the exhibition floor at Web Summit 2023. Image: Sportsfile/Web Summit (CC BY 2.0)
The second most popular response was quantum computing (24 percent), with biotechnology and human enhancement a close third on 23.5 percent. Just 12 percent of respondents said novel materials and advanced manufacturing would have the biggest impact.
With recent hype around AI and ongoing fears related to so-called ‘killer robots’, it would seem that attendees are concerned about the security implications of this rapidly developing technology.
When asked the question, ‘As an aspiring tech innovator or entrepreneur, which of the following would be most helpful to you?’, 39 percent chose mentoring by industry experts – a significant plurality of responses.
In second place, attendees chose development grants (25 percent), and in third place was introductions to potential investors (22 percent). In a distant fourth was access to specialist accelerator hubs (14 percent).
It is striking that expert advice wins out over direct or potential investment, 53 percent to 47 percent.
Attendees were asked ‘Who do you think will play the largest role in shaping future technologies?’.
Results show that the overwhelming majority of respondents believe that industry will play the larger role, with a significant minority voting for ‘both equally’ and a noticeably smaller vote for government alone.
Image Credit:Web Summit
From unicorns and smart city infrastructure to incubators and funding, learn all about Dubai’s tech star...
Web Summit event partner Mobilize asked attendees their thoughts...