
Portugal is known for its fresh seafood and decadent wines, so no trip to Lisbon is complete without sampling the local cuisine.

Check out our favourite places to eat during Web Summit.

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A bowl viewed from above. The bowl contains cooked octopus on a bed of potatoes and other vegetables, topped with rings of raw red onion.

Trindade brewery

Trindade is considered the oldest and most beautiful brewery in Portugal.


The restaurant is located in the decommissioned convent of the Frades Trinos da Redenção dos Cativos (Triune Friars of the Redemption of the Captives), originally built in the 13th century and rebuilt in the 18th century following the Lisbon earthquake of 1755.


Much-awarded Portuguese chef Alexandre Silva – an expert in Portuguese gastronomy – is behind the menu at Trindade.

Discover Trindade
A high-ceilinged room with walls painted floor to ceiling with a Renaissance-style battle scene. There is an elaborately carved vaulted ceiling, featuring a relief of a woman and child. In the centre of the room stands a modern bar, with gourds, vegetables and books displayed under a glass counter. Herbs and spices hang from an industrial-style metal scaffold that incorporates shelves for glasses and bottles. A cash register sits on the right of the bar, and eight high chairs with low backs face the bar.

Palácio Chiado

A unique restaurant located inside a palace built in 1781, Palácio Chiado has a wide range of Portuguese and international cuisine on the menu.


A good option for larger groups, Palácio Chiado pleases all palates and has plenty of space – plus the architecture and design of the restaurant offer plenty to talk about should a lull arise in the conversation.



Discover Palácio Chiado
A modern room with marble floors and floor-to-ceiling windows. Tables dot the room, including a table and six chairs that sit atop an area of floorboards in the centre of the space. A recess in the ceiling contains a light fixture consisting of interconnected metal poles. Behind the central table is a bank of glass-fronted cabinets containing bottles of wine.

Via Graça

Via Graça is an obligatory stop for a traditional Portuguese dinner. Octopus, bacalhau and the famous duck rice – with magret and foie gras – are the highlights.


The restaurant also offers one of the most distinctive views over Lisbon, showing Lisbon’s roofs, the Ponte 25 de Abril bridge, the Tagus and Cristo Rei.

Discover Via Graça
A high-ceilinged room crowded with tables set for dinner with plates, silverware and wine glasses. Lights consisting of metal discs and edison bulbs hang from the ceiling on long cables. Towards the rear of the room is an area below a low vaulted ceiling. Here, a wall of glass separates the rest of the room from what appears to be a wine cellar.


Housed in a former fish factory, Prado celebrates the best Portugal has to offer from sea to land. All dishes are inspired by and made with seasonal, fresh Portuguese ingredients.


The food pairs well with an extensive wine list featuring only organic, biodynamic and natural wines.

Discover Prado
A hand holds a plate containing several varieties of sashimi, as well as rice noodles and vegetables.

By Koji

Authentic Japanese cuisine for lovers of exotic flavours, By Koji offers a traditional menu with a high-quality selection of ingredients and beautiful presentation.


Japanese chef Shinya Koike leads at the restaurant, which maintains the high quality you find at all restaurants under the mantle of renowned chef Koji Yokomizo, respected for his ability to personally choose the best fish.

Discover By Koji
A pizza with olives and thinly sliced ham, a pizza piled high with rocket, two full wineglasses and a bottle of a water sit on a polished cork table.

Zero Zero

Italian classics and wood-fired pizza are spotlighted in this industrial-chic space, which has a patio with views over the Tagus River.


Zero Zero is perfectly located at Parque das Nações – right next to the Web Summit venue – and offers fresh cocktails alongside an extensive menu.

Discover Zero Zero

Pastéis de Belém

Pastéis de nata are available everywhere in Lisbon, but the most famous producer of this golden pastry is still a mandatory gastronomic stop.


In 1837, this busy spot in Belém began making the original Pastéis de Belém, following an ancient recipe from the nearby Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. The secret recipe is recreated every day in the bakery, by hand, using only traditional methods.


Pastéis de Belém offers the unique flavour of time-honoured Portuguese sweet making. Its popularity guarantees several batches a day, so they are always warm and fresh.



Discover Pastéis de Belém

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