40 Words

Are you looking for more exposure? 40 Words gives startups at Web Summit the opportunity to broadcast their message across the event – all in just 40 words.

Please note that only startups participating in our Web Summit startup programme are eligible for 40 Words. You can now apply to join ALPHA at Web Summit this November.

Abbie Morris, Co-founder & CEO, Compare Ethics, on Centre stage during day two of Web Summit 2022
Abbie Morris
Co-founder & CEO, Compare Ethics

How does it work?

Apply for 40 Words by sending us a video of you sharing your company’s pitch in just 40 words. If selected, your video will be played across our screens on stages and around the venue at Web Summit.

Illustration of a magnifying glass positioned in front of a person. Two other people appear in the background. They are not magnified.

Startup selection

Startups submit an application with a self-recorded video giving their company elevator pitch. Our team will review all applications and select a shortlist of successful candidates. Video scripts that exceed 40 words will not be considered – hence the name.

Illustration of a person's head. The place where the brain would be is occupied by a cloud with lightning emerging from it. There is a light bulb next to the cloud.

Make the seconds count

You’ve only got 40 words, so choose them carefully. Cut all the filler and focus on the question you’re addressing. Remember, this video isn’t just going out to investors – it’s for everyone at Web Summit. Ensure you use language that all attendees will understand, and you’re on the right track.

Illustration of person with megaphone speaking to crowd of people.

At the event

Selected videos will be played on screens at our stages and all across the venue, increasing your exposure and allowing you to share your pitch with all attendees.

Meet some of the startups that have joined us at our past events

Web Summit Centre Stage viewed from a distance, with a packed crowd.

"Web Summit is now the largest gathering of entrepreneurs."


–  Inc.

Speaker Sebastien Borget, The Sandbox, on Centre Stage during day two of Web Summit 2022

"The world’s biggest tech event."


–  Euronews

Kubo Robotics co-founder and CEO Tommy Otzen celebrates with arms in air after winning PITCH at Web Summit 2016.

"The largest technology conference in the world.”


–  Forbes

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